Enrol your school with Food for Life (Step 1 of 5)

Schools have told us how joining Food for Life has increased school meal take up, attendance, increased confidence of staff and enriched their school curriculum. It could also help your school meet Ofsted criteria.

Awards Package: Show the wider world that you’re doing fantastic work with your school food and food education, our Awards Package gives you all the support and resources you need to apply for and achieve your Food for Life award.

For full details on each package and pricing, please click here.

Getting started
To complete your enrolment you will need certain information ready to hand. You many need to gather some of this ahead, so we have put together this printable checklist to help.

 Am I externally catered for? Am I catered for in-house? 

Does your local authority or a private catering company manage your school kitchen or deliver hot meals to the school? If so, then your school is externally catered for. To move through the different levels of the award, it is important your caterer is part of the Food for Life Served Here programme and that you are on their site list. If they are, you can pick the Awards package with Served Here option below and you will not need to complete the Food Quality section of the award as this will have been completed by your caterer.

If your external caterer is not part of Food for Life Served Here, email ffl@foodforlife.org.uk to find out what your options are.

Does your school self-manage its catering service? Do you employ your own team, create your own menus, and manage the ordering process? If so you’re an in-house school and you will need to pick the Awards package with in-house catering below.

You will need to complete the criteria in the Food Quality section of the award.

Still not sure?
If you are still not sure, ask your school administrator / business manager or contact our team on 0117 314 5180 or email ffl@foodforlife.org.uk. 

* Denotes required information

You may have entered some information incorrectly. Please check that all fields have been completed correctly and if you are still unable to register please contact our team on 0117 314 5180.
Please select the Food for Life Schools package you would like to enrol on


Do you know your URN or Ofsted number?

You will need to know your unique school URN (Unique Reference Number, also known as an Ofsted number) before completing this form. 

URN's are always 6 digits long. These numbers are not the same as your LA and Establishment Number

If you don't know your URN, or want to check it's correct you can find it here.

If you can't find your URN, please get in touch and we can help. 

Entering the wrong URN could result in your school paying for an incorrect package.